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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Danish Zoo defends killing of healthy Giraffe they fed to Lions

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In Denmark the giraffe pictured above named Marius was killed with a bolt gun, cut in pieces and was fed to lions in the zoo, as visitors including children watched. The zoo cared less about thousands of signed online petition to save him, or the billionaire that offered to buy him and keep him in her Beverly Hills garden. But surprisingly, an overwhelming majority of social media users felt the global outcry was a sign of hypocrisy and political correctness. Marius genetics weren't diverse enough and the zoo management said it had no choice other than to prevent the animal attaining adulthood since under European Association of Zoos and Aquaria rules, inbreeding between giraffes is to be avoided. Their primary job should be to preserve different species and contribute to learning about how animals live in the wild. Copenhagen Zoo said two other zoos had offered to take the giraffe, but that one was already part of the same breeding programme, while the other didn't have the same code of ethics. "They would not, for example, sign a statement saying they wouldn't sell their animals to a circus, and we can't just close our eyes and send our animals anywhere," scientific director Bengt Holst said.

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